Know God and Know His People
I hope everyone is revitalized and ready to head into this week with our hearts raised to God and our eyes focused on that cross. Let us always remember to run the race with endurance, to stay strong in our walk, and to take care to serve God as he commands. This implies we must know our God to know his message and part of that message is to know our brethren and to be there for one another. We are to be the kind of people who take that first step, to bridge gaps in relationships, to be humble with one another in solving conflicts, and to make sure that we are a part of that body; of that family. The growth of the church (of the family) takes a conscious effort and we ought to zealously be about this work; seeking each other out, giving preference to one another, and acting as christian lights in one another's lives. I pray the Lord's blessings on each of you and in all that you do.
In Him,