Reach Out to One Another
As we start back into the weekly "grind" let us find the conviction to know our God, to study his word, to trust in him, and to be actively serving him each and every day. I hope you have all been taking the time to reach out to those of our number who are sick or shut in or who have embarked on journeys across the country and world.
Our busy schedules aught not prevent us from doing what should be a priority in our lives. Let us not be spiritually lazy. God works and tills through the lives of his willing servants; growing and tending to the flock. We might just be the answer to someones prayers.
As a reminder you are free to reach out to those in either group and I encourage you to look beyond those mentioned in these weekly messages. The more we lift each other up and focus our thoughts on one another the more our light shines and the stronger our ties become.
in Him,